Idiom: Family

Family man. Runs in the family. In the family way. Family tree. Family matters. Americana is all about family. We’ve even stretched it to include our “work family” and our “school family” or our “church family.” Despite efforts to redefine it, we all have our own...
Do you believe me?

“The X and Y of Buy”

One reason people hire The Lively Merchant is because we help them do things they need to do and want to do, but don’t have time to do. One way we do this is by providing insights and reviews of new research and resources so you can decide if they are useful tools to...
Do you believe me?

Using Your Head

As I talk with a business owners of all sizes, and they explain how their hands are tied in moving forward with an internet strategy. They believe they are doing the best they can under the circumstances, of course, but really there are departments in their...