by Amy Lively | Blog, Retail Idioms
Family man. Runs in the family. In the family way. Family tree. Family matters. Americana is all about family. We’ve even stretched it to include our “work family” and our “school family” or our “church family.” Despite efforts to redefine it, we all have our own...
by Amy Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business, Retail Idioms
“Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.” Ms. Jones might pull out this Joe Friday line when she’s furniture shopping. Even if she falls head over heels in love with a sexy chaise or a beautiful bedroom, she’s going to have to justify her financial investment with some...
by Amy Lively | Blog, Retail Idioms
Toilet paper made from yesterday’s news. Computers made from clunkers. New tin cans made from old tin cans. Recycling is a good thing, most of the time. Furniture recycling, however, is not a good thing for you. We’re not talking about making microfibers from plastic...
by Amy Lively | Blog, Retail Idioms
People shouting, arms waving, voices rising. Bang! Bang! The judge pounds his gavel and shouts, “Order in the court! Order in the court!” The slamming gavel continues until the courtroom goes silent. Ever notice that you don’t reach into your $10...
by Amy Lively | Blog, Retail Idioms
Smell the suntan lotion… taste the piña colada… run your fingers through the warm sand… listen to the seagulls… gaze into the clear blue water… Where is your perfect picture of tranquility? Maybe it’s not a beach. Maybe it’s a ski slope or a deer blind. We...