by David Lively | Blog, Communication, Family Business, Generations
An entire generation of Americans is growing up with no newspapers and very few catalogs. They might not even know what a phone book looks like. Scary stuff for an old retail fart like me! This group is more concerned about value than privacy. They’ve never...
by David Lively | Blog, Communication, Generations, Personality Type
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.” Thomas Jefferson After listening to President Bush and then a dozen channels of political pundits and Wall...
by David Lively | Blog, Communication, Family Business, Generations, Personality Type
Greed-is-good Yuppies and Bible-believing conservatives each handle training the same way. This morning I was thinking about personality type as it relates to training. Of course, wondering always leads me to generational questions. Remember we are living and working...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
Sometimes leaders just have to pay the price. The price of people’s failures: People just “leave the ranch,” they break laws, they backslide and backstab, they believe it’s your job to solve their problems, the list could go on. Leaders have to...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
Hello, Music City! Last weekend, we had the pleasure of attending the Boom Your Business seminar in Nashville hosted by Wizards of Ads partners. While the edges were a little rough in places because it was the first-time ever, Amy and I came home with two notebooks...