by David Lively | Blog, Communication, Family Business, Personality Type
“The brain has three natural roadblocks that stand in the way of truly innovative thinking: 1. flawed perception 2. fear of failure 3. the inability to persuade others.” – Dr. Gregory Berns, neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and Distinguished Chair of...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business, Generations
Foul language shouldn’t be needed to make your position clear. No one has ever accused me of of being a prude. In fact, just the opposite is more likely the case. The use of bottom rung slang is no longer my style. Today’s post is an exception because,...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
After reading the September newsletter from furniture guru Jerry Epperson I wondered if death were a better option than retail. Jerry is typically easy on the ears and his market presentations, while interesting, are typically a rewrapped repeat of his previous words...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
Sometimes leaders just have to pay the price. The price of people’s failures: People just “leave the ranch,” they break laws, they backslide and backstab, they believe it’s your job to solve their problems, the list could go on. Leaders have to...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Personality Type
For the first half of our life, passages are fairly easily marked. We go to school, get a job, find a mate, raise a family and contribute to our community. But a strange thing happens on the way to the finish line. The built in “life detector” begins to...