by David Lively | Blog, Family Business, Generations
I’m working through a series of questions about purpose. The first one is: “Why do we feel an organization should aspire to make the world a better place?” Making the world a better place seems to be more important now than ever before among all...
by David Lively | Blog, Communication, Family Business, Generations
Regardless of the time zone or continent you call home, the last decade has been nuts. Sunday morning in Chicago I heard an older song for the first time, really. Here is the opening lyric: Oh, the last ten years, it’s been quite trip. Over thirty-six-hundred...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
Daily life keeps me humble. Killing lions and bears like my namesake has never out of the question. Of course with killing you create a lot of mess. Mess always has to be cleaned up. (Notice the current financial condition of GM and Chrysler.) When we think about the...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business, Generations
Foul language shouldn’t be needed to make your position clear. No one has ever accused me of of being a prude. In fact, just the opposite is more likely the case. The use of bottom rung slang is no longer my style. Today’s post is an exception because,...
by David Lively | About Retail, Blog, Communication, Family Business
After reading the September newsletter from furniture guru Jerry Epperson I wondered if death were a better option than retail. Jerry is typically easy on the ears and his market presentations, while interesting, are typically a rewrapped repeat of his previous words...