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Poker, Furniture, and Life…

From the 1998 Matt Damon and Ed Norton movie “Rounders,” about the underground poker world of Boston, we can take to heart one of the best business quotes of all time: “A lion survives by being a lion and a mouse by being a mouse.” It seems...
Are you kidding me? 2,630,000 hits in .07 seconds

Cultural Code

What is culture? How does it play out in family business? A culture can be defined by four foundational stones. They are artifacts, perspectives, values, and assumptions (Schein 1985, Dyer 1986) and on these, researchers agree. I’m wondering how you may view...
Are you kidding me? 2,630,000 hits in .07 seconds

The grip and all its trappings

In a previous post I wrote about the archetypes of personality. These archetypes seem to have been imprinted within each of us. To me the key to understanding is to realize at any giving time we may be acting in the father, or hero, or faithful family dog role. Our...