Your priorities are what you do PRIOR to everything else. We spend a lot of time evaluating our priorities this time of year, making promises to lose 20 pounds and call our parents more often. Most people would say that their priority is family, or their spiritual life, or their job or health. You probably know someone who claims “family” is their number one priority, yet they spend 60 hours at work or six hours each night in front of the television or computer.
What is the priority at your company? Let me guess: customer service. You could make a nice slogan out of that, maybe even put it on a sign at the cash register.
Now, let’s put it to the test. Priorities are easily measured. All you need is a clock and a pen.
How long does your customer wander through the store before she’s greeted?
How long does she have to wait for an answer to a problem?
How much time is spent figuring out ways to make her happier?
How much time is spent complaining about her behind closed doors?
Ouch! That one hurts!
Does what you say match up with what you do?
In 2008, I was personally guilty of saying one thing and doing quite another. This year I resolve to be honest about my priorities and get that clock out every once in a while to test myself.
As always, your opening line grabbed me. “Prior to” everything else? Aha, so that’s what I’m doing wrong! I don’t do my PRIORities prior enough! Thanks for that food for thought, and great for the first month of the year.