Things are whacky. Never in the history of the world have four distinct generations been working in such close quarters.
Craig Arthur is a Wizard of Ads partner. You can visit his site Wizard Partners if you’re interested in checking out his point of view. I was struck by a post summarizing a seminar he recently attended. Below you’ll see his 5-point summary for keeping Gen-X’s and Gen-Y’s happy with their work.
1. Think “High-Tech”
Make sure your company invests in the latest technology. Gen X & Y want the latest and greatest. Provide it and benefit from high productivity and dedicated employees.
2. Create Fun Environments
Add entertaining elements to work environments, e.g.… chair massages and spaces with lounges for social networking. Celebrate birthdays and recognize achievements. Offer work contests with high-tech rewards such as MP3 players, Mobile Phones and Laptops.
3. Leverage Relationships / Get Personal
Gen X & Y value friends and work mates of their own generations. They are the perfect resource for word-of-mouth recruitment for new employees. Educate them about the kinds of workers your business is seeking. Offer incentives for their part in the process.
Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Build relationships with these generations by talking with them, showing you care, and making yourself available to hear their concerns. And never forget to thank an employee for doing a good job.
4. Embrace Workplace Flexibility
Develop an accommodating environment. Provide employees with opportunities for job changes, internal mobility and flexible schedules. Don’t micro-manage. Give them room to grow and make decisions.
5. Expand & Enhance Training Opportunities
Gen X & Y thrive on developing their work skills and knowledge. Most opportunities are seen as stepping-stones to something better in terms of their career. Provide learning opportunities by expanding e-based learning modules.
Unless you’re already planning your “Going Out of Business” sale, you WILL be affected by generational transfer. Bookmark I write about family business issues weekly.