Charity begins at home.
Specifically, in your customer’s home. She gives her time, her talent and millions of her dollars to worthwhile causes at home and throughout the world. She cried, then sent cash to help the victims of September 11. She made cookies for a bake sale for tsunami relief. She collected cleaning supplies and bottles of water after Hurricane Katrina. She takes her children to serve at soup kitchens.
She wants to do business with businesses who care like she cares. Consider:
- 92% of consumers consider it important for corporations to contribute to nonprofits.
- 76% of American consumers surveyed have taken part in at least one cause-related marketing campaign.
- 60% of consumers surveyed planned to buy a product during the 2004 holiday season through which a portion of the purchase price would be donated to a cause.
- 77% of women and 64% of men expected to consider a company’s reputation for supporting causes when purchasing gifts during the 2003 holiday season.
- 48% of American and British consumers surveyed reported that, in the past, they had been motivated by a cause-related marketing campaign to change brands, use a product more, try new products, or get information about new products.
- When surveyed consumers were aware of a given company’s cause-related marketing efforts, they consistently rated the company more highly in the categories of trust, endorsement, bonding, and innovation.
- Corporate citizenship practices are more important to consumer impressions than brand reputation or financial factors, according to an international survey of 25,000 people on consumer perceptions regarding corporate citizenship.
What causes does your company support? How about your vendors?
Does your customer know you care?
Or, perhaps the better question is – “DO you really care?”