On January 6, 1941 President Roosevelt forever changed to direction of the nation.
He single handedly added freedoms beyond the American Constitution. It was never implied Americans should expect freedom from “want and fear.”
While these are wonderful ideals, as “rights” they are ridiculous.
It is written, “‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
This ancient instruction was given as individual responsibility for one man to care for another.
Clearly, freedom from want and fear was not talked about here.
In 1943 Walter Russell’s monument “Four Freedoms” was dedicated in Madison Square Garden. Four times this same year The Saturday Evening Post ran covers depicting theses freedoms.
Norman Rockwell gave us a vision of the America that could be.
I wonder if he truly believed these freedoms to be rights?
Later in 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt repeated these rights to the United Nations in General Assembly Resolution 217A.
Four Freedoms have gone on to take on a life of their own. Marvel Comics even created a superhero team called the Fantastic Four. Their headquarters? You guessed it, Four Freedoms building.
So, what does this have to do with retail? Everything!
Discovery of your untold story is foundational to speaking life into your business.
When you have tickled the brain of your customer, when you have provided them with a struggle they can share with others, when your words allow their shared hopes and dreams for the future to appear possible, and when you have won their hearts, you can count on their mind to follow.
Customers always buy with emotion and then justify with intellect.
Can you hear retail freedom in your future? Would you like to talk more about this?